Novas merits        

1020-07-18 National show in Sjulnäs, Piteå. BB2 with CAC - SWEDISH CHAMPION!

2010-06-19 International show in Rovaniemi. BOB with CACIB.

2009-06-20 Rovaniemi, BOS, CAC, CACIB - FINNSIH CHAMPION!

2007-07-06 Wheaten Special, Norrlands Guld in Piteå, BB-1 BOS

2007-07-01 Gällivare, BB-2, CACIB

2006-06-17 Vännäs, Best Juniorbitch 1, CK (Certificate Quality)

2006-06-18 Wheaten Special, Norrlands Guld in Vännäs Junior Best In Show, BB-2

2006-07-23 Kemi BOS, CAC

2006-07-29 Kotka BB-3, reserve-CAC

2006-07-30 Mikkeli BB-3, CAC

Nova Junior Best In Show Norrland Guld 2006
Photo: Stefan Johansson